Wednesday, 12 February 2014

The Garden of Love

When you walk in the garden what do you see?

As the rain falls on the soil what do you see?

As the sun awakes the petals of summer flowers what do you see?

Do you see the beauty of each rain drop? Can you really see it? Can you see the whole of Nature right there? The whole of Existence at that moment.

Being in the garden is wonderful practise to see the Nature of Things or to see LOVE. Afterall, the Earth is from where we were born and it is where we will end, as natural compost for another generation. The circle of life is forever present all around us. Science confirms this with the idea of the Big Bang, we are all stardust.  We are all of the earth, therefore we are all the soil in my garden, therefore we are the most beautiful flower, the most annoying slug and a pile of cow muck.

When we see that; the garden is the greatest teacher of all. The whole Earth is connected. We are each other.  How can you cause harm to another? How can you think bad of somebody else? When you realise this you have compassion for all (for they are you), imagine being able to love the person who cuts you up on the motorway instead of feeling anger.

My garden is indeed a great teacher. LOVE flows through every branch, through every leaf, through every seed.

 LOVE is all around.

 All you need is LOVE

Happy Valentines Day for 14th February to all.

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